A Personal Story from Isaac (TCI’s Operations Manager)

The following is a candid letter from our Operations Manager, Isaac Tuesday, as he recount the way he grew up. And now, he’s leading a significant effort to aid more than 5,000 receive food amidst a harsh famine!

A Letter from Isaac:

By age of seven I could go Digging with My For two tubers of cassava even bitter one we ate knowing diarrhea was a must. But at least something could be in our stomach at least live until the next day. Some days Mom came empty handed and could tell us to sleep not to be too hungry. She would then burst into tears and hide in her room in the hut . We could boil wild (amaranthus) and drink its water for survival. God fathered us and provided that we have been able to live to date. On dry plantain leaves we slept. Under leaking roof we dwelled.   Here in karamoja, there is nothing edible is seen in the environment. What is seen is dry land , no water, green. Suffering can be seen from distance. The grand mothers and grand children can be seen resting on the ground with no hope. Grand mother and grand children are weak and unable to work. There no where to work for food in the neighbourhood. The previous season failed. Its the only season they have in the year. The children go hunting wild fruits and rats.

The very little children 1 to 5 years are sleeping with grand mothers helpless. Children are stunted and being crippled by malnutrition. The situation at household is haunting. Children need nutrients to meet their growth and development needs , the environment cannot provide. The parents have lost hope.
The people though weak, can be seen in TCIs sustainable effort doing faith gardens on the knees and grand mothers in the dust waiting for the time to die.

We always observe joy and great hope when TCI send food. You are surely providing for these helpless needy and impoverished starving souls. We have 500 families that house 5000 individuals who need your prayers to live.
Thanks for the continued support to keep 5000 people alive.
Over the past one year you have done a great job to keep these children alive and grand mothers able to see tomorrow. You have given these people hope of Christ.

We need food for these children to continue living. Otherwise they are risking going back into the 2022 acute starvation. You have fathered these souls, your Generosity has created a huge difference in these lives.
God bless you.

~ Isaac Tuesday (Operations Manager)


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