THANK YOU - Food Relief Success!
Dear TCI friends,
Two weeks ago we sent out news of our need for A TOTAL of $20,000 to prevent many of our dear friends in Karamoja relapsing into a severe state of malnourishment. Three days later we had the money - in hand or promised! This past week our TCI Team purchased relief food and completed distribution!
"The more I serve these hungry and starving people and see their hopes being restored, the more I know of God" said Isaac a few days ago in Karamoja.
THANK YOU SO MUCH for your very quick financial support and your prayers. But this is not the ONLY TIME!! We wouldn't have believed you if you had told us that, during the past year our partnership with ALL of you would be able to accomplish the following:
Deliver ten truckloads of food
Stop starvation-related deaths in 5000 people of this tribe & significantly reduce the number of severely malnourished people
Restore clean water to two villages with broken boreholes
Teach gardening techniques that sustainably provide food using hand-pumped groundwater
Inspire Karamojong men to lead in the gardening effort, despite their deep-seated cultural tradition of men not working
Witness lush, green vegetable gardens sprouting up in three villages
Encourage villagers to construct toilets for the first time ever
Share the hope of Jesus to this traditionally animist, unreached tribe see so many people responding to the hope of Jesus Christ in the midst of such hardship.
We never would have thought that our little organization was up to such an enormous task, especially that we would be able to manage all of this financially. And this is not including all the work that is going on in the schools and villages around Kiburara in Western Uganda. Next week we will send an update on that very active and important work.
BUT God has wrought each of these miracles through YOUR sacrificial donations and prayer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
With much appreciation and with much joy,
Frank and Sue