Food Security
Every member of the community should have a sustainable food source.
Targeting farmers and their families, TCI will train farmers in sustainable and integrated farming strategies, to look at farming as a business enterprise that requires technical and management skills. As a start, all participants of TCI training and activities will be encouraged to start their FAITH gardens which is an effective strategy to make food available all year round and thus helps promote food security.
Get to know…
FAITH Gardens Project
“Making idle plots of land productive.”
The goal of Paradigm Shift Training is to stir the poor to take action to address their long-held, undesirable situation of ‘lack’ and turn it into a situation of ‘have’. As a result of paradigm shift training, participants are encouraged and inspired to change their negative perspectives into ‘can do’ attitudes and to develop eyes that see the positive side of situations. One specific action that can show their paradigm shift in action is turning the idle plots of lands around them into ones that produce food for the family and consequently, not only bring food and some income but also build solidarity with neighbors.
The goal is to produce food for the family all year round. This can be done at no cost or very low cost by making FAITH Gardens (which stands for Food Available in the Household) to produce vegetables and crops around the house. By utilizing seeds from present local crops, exchanging seeds with neighbors and sharing the produce from the gardens, solidarity is built in the community and the cost is kept low.
Piggery Project
After completing Paradigm Shift Training participants are ready for Phase Two: Piggery Project! Each community is responsible for building their pig stye to help their new sustainable food source and eventual income producing source. This opportunity is having a big impact in these communities!