“Paradigm Shift” Training
Development work will only be effective when the subject of development owns the work, sees him/herself as the main actor, and stands accountable not only for the result but the whole process. This means that from the very beginning the subject’s readiness of heart and mind needs to be considered and addressed. But how do you do this? How do you ensure people’s acceptance of responsibilities that comes with the process of transformation? Do they even know why they are poor, or why they are suffering and struggling? Do they know the cause of their suffering? Do they know what it is they want and why, and what matters most to them? And if they do know, do they know what it takes to transform their undesirable situation to one that they desire?
Most likely the answer to the above is no. Like them we often do not have the correct answer. To get the answer requires a partnership where the subject of development is the main actor and we, the development workers play a supporting, facilitating role. We help poor families and communities to get knowledge and skills to pursue their development and transformation. We bring in training and technical assistance to support and facilitate knowledge and skills acquisition in a way that is enabling and empowering.
We begin with consultation during a training workshop we call Paradigm Shift Training. This training is two-pronged: relying heavily on self-reflection, participants are guided in assessing their current situation as well as equipping them with skills that enable them to define and prioritize their own problem, analyze why and plan for ways to address them in ways that are inwardly liberating and deeply transforming. The training enable participants to reflect on how they view their situation, analyze and understand why they and others think and act the way they do. From the modules and exercises, participants are able to experience a paradigm shift that led them to acknowledge their role in their current situation and the important role they need to play in order to reach the situation they desire. While the training is ongoing, participants start to testify the ‘awe’ they experience as they go through their own experience of ‘shift’ from old to new paradigms that they believe will help propel them toward their desired future.

The concept ‘Paradigm shift’ dates back to 1962 when Thomas Kuhn, a well-known physicist, philosopher and historian of science, introduced the now-widespread term to countless settings. Paradigm shift means an important change in the way of thinking that leads to a change in the way of doing things. The same way that Khun puts paradigm shift in the field of science, it is the same paradigm shift that works in real, day to day life of groups and communities we help. Paradigm shift calls one to change the way he or she thinks and do things. When applied to poverty allevation, paradigm shift brings a sustained surge of hope and inspiration to the poor and needy that propels him or her to change the way they look at their ‘lack’ of many things into ‘haves and can do’ thinking. Such thinking provides an unexplained energy that inspires one experiencing a paradigm shift to change the way they do things. For a purpose. Yes, such change in thinking is always inspired by a purpose. A purpose for a better tomorrow. For a better future. Towards a personal mission and goals that come with the positive change in perspective. This is the paradigm shift I started in Western Uganda in October which now has more than 140 people benefiting and asking for more paradigm shift training and activities.
Very much tailored from the book ‘Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey, the training normally runs for four days at 8 hours of sessions per day with eight modules that must be taken in the order listed below. No participants are allowed to join unless he or she begins with Module 1.
Module 1 – Foundations
Module 2 – My Desired Future (or Begin with the End in Mind)
Module 3 – Be Proactive
Module 4 – First Things First
Module 5 – Think Win-Win
Module 6 – Seek First to Understand Then to Be Understood
Module 7 – Synergize
Module 8 – Keeping the Goose Alive (Sharpen the Saw)